All good things must come to an end and such it is for the Story Empire Roadshow. I’m delighted to have fellow author and Story Empire contributor P. H. Solomon to my site today. Paul, take it away.
Hello to everyone and thanks to Joan for hosting me today. I’m P. H. Solomon and I’m a fantasy author, living in greater Birmingham, AL. It’s great to be a part of Story Empire and be on the Roadshow this week. I hope you’ll enjoy all the stops and authors this week and look at our books. To see our schedule and information about our prizes, please click to our Roadshow page and see where we are making appearances each day. This week I’m giving away a $10 Amazon Gift Card to the most active commenter.
As I’ve mentioned earlier this week, I hope to release the last book of The Bow of Hart Saga later this year. I’m well on my way to completing the rough draft after which it will go through several revisions. I anticipate this last book being far faster to develop because it doesn’t have several versions and so much of the series arc is already in place. Additionally, I’ve also developed a cleaner writing style what requires fewer edits (I hope!) so I’m moving much faster writing this book than the other two.
At this point, I don’t even have a blurb or a cover for The White Arrow but I hope those arrive soon. However, one question that I’m receiving more and more frequently is when the series will be available in print. To this point, I’ve stuck with e-book since it’s the easiest for me to produce. While print can be rather straightforward these days with print on demand, I’ve delayed so I could produce the series in print with the best output for readers that I can get. I also have some goals to reach with print that I’m working on just now so I’m holding off on print until the time is right.
But print is definitely in the plan this year if at all possible. I’ve even gotten a cover developed for The Bow of Destiny in preparation for my print goals and I share that now with you:
As usual, my artist has done a great job producing the print cover. Quality artwork has always been one of my main goals and readers like The Bow of Destiny very much and initial reaction to An Arrow Against the Wind has been equally promising.
For those readers who also want the series in other formats, I also hope to move toward those as well. I’m looking for ways to go to audio the best way for me as well as some other formats that I hope to announce later this year. There’s a lot going on with this series at this time beyond just producing the last two books which is very good for me though it’s leaving me quite busy. But it’s better to have good results that lead to being busy than the other way around.
I’m very excited for what this year holds for The Bow of Hart Saga. I’ve worked very hard to produce quality books and continually improve both the story and my writing. I hope you’ve enjoyed what I’ve shared this week and will both read and share The Bow of Hart Saga. Look for a lot more news about this series in the coming months as it stretches into some other formats. It’s been a lot of hard work getting it this far but now it’s getting to a place where I’m getting a lot of enjoyment from it all as well as having fun with the work.
Thanks for reading this post today and be sure to check out our schedule. While you’re here, feel free to have a look at my current book, The Bow of Destiny and the upcoming release of An Arrow Against the Wind. You can click on my bio banner below to pay me a visit at my website and learn more about me and the rest of The Bow of Hart Saga. Please follow me all week as I share more about my writing each day.
Here are some of the places where you can catch up with me on social media:
Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Website | Pinterest | Google + | Wattpad | Amazon Author
Here are some free novellas that relate to The Bow of Hart Saga:
Trading Knives – Kobo, iBooks & Barnes & Noble, Smashwords and on Amazon
What Is Needed – Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iBooks, Smashwords & Amazon
It’s been a pleasure to host you today, P. H. And folks, this wraps it up for the Story Empire Roadshow. Hope you’ve enjoyed visiting this week. Be sure to check out today’s stops by clicking the links below:
Staci  |  Mae  |  Harmony  |  Craig  |  Joan
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35 Responses
When I want to buy a book I often debate with myself if buying the eBook or the paperback. I admit my love for hard copies but sometimes I have to revert to eBooks for price, space issues and delivery (for books from the US I have to wait loooong days). Anyway my house is still full of old good books.
Great post and great tour!
Irene, I almost always buy eBooks these days. The convenience of carrying an entire library in my purse is one consideration (along with the price). So glad you have enjoyed the tour – you’ve been one of our biggest supporters this week.
Thanks, Irene. My e-reader is stuffed to the gills with eBooks and so are my regular bookshelves. Price and convenience of carrying a book on a reader for travel is a plus over print. I even recently read one of Craig’s books on my phone – first time I did that!
P. H. – it’s been a pleasure to host you today. The book tour has been fun – hard to believe after all our preparation, it’s almost over. I enjoyed getting to know about you and your work more and look forward to more things with Story Empire.
Thanks, Joan. I appreciate you hosting me today. It has been a good week!
I’m an ebook supporter. I hope print works out well as an option for you.
Thanks, Craig. I hope it works out too. However, I’m a big supporter of digital at this point.
I’ve sold a few print copies. Some people seem to prefer those.
I work with both ebooks and print books. Good luck with the printing. I have to say, I love all your covers! 🙂
Thanks, Harmony. My artist lives in the UK so I’ll send you his link in email if you’re interested in using him. He does some very good work in general and I’m thankful to have found him.
Aren’t those covers lovely?
Thanks, Joan.
Wow, exciting times! As a reader, I read both print and ebooks and as an author I do think it helps to have print available for those readers who desire it. Print also enables you to do book signings and sometimes even place books in brick and mortar stores.
Wishing you the best as you move ahead with print. Your gorgeous covers are certain to attract a lot of attention too!
I do want have some signings when I can. Thanks for the compliment about the covers!
Yes, the covers are amazing!
I did both eBook and print with Unseen Motives. And surprisingly some people still prefer print!
I do but my shelves are groaning under all the weight!
I’ve been buying eBooks because my shelves are full, but industry reports say the print book is making a comeback. I personally publish both versions.
Wishing you the best of luck, P. H.
Staci, the 2016 report I read indicated that more print books are sold in the U. S. However, the report also indicated that with fiction 70% of sales were digital while this was the opposite for non-fiction (and there are far more non-fiction book sold than fiction). So I think digital placement is very important with fiction.
Oh, don’t mistake me. Digital is crucial. No point in publishing without it. But don’t discount other media. That’s all I meant. Apparently audiobooks are on the rise, too.
They sure are!
Staci, wasn’t it you that said the paper in older books had vanilla scenting? Those older once had a certain smell and it was enticing. I ran out of room so I began purchasing eBooks also.
That’s me, Joan. Out of space!
I don’t know if this is how you share a FB link or not, but I posted an infographic on it in my group a long time ago. (If the link doesn’t work, go to my group and type “old book smell” in the search box.)
They have “vanillin” in them, which has a vanilla-like smell.
I thought I had seen that somewhere. I have an old dictionary (packed away now) that belonged to my mother. Don’t know when it was published, but I can still remember the smell when I opened that book. So pleasant and it brings back good memories to think of it.
That’s how I feel about the books I have from my grandfather (Bible, prayer book, dictionary, Lewis Carrol books…) The cookbooks both grandmothers owned that I now have. Even some of the nicer books I have from my childhood have that smell.
Is it any wonder I love libraries?
The cover for the print edition looks gorgeous, PH.
I love, love, love paper books. I am a hoarder of them. all my house is full of the. Yet, nowadays I rarely read one. I read mostly ebooks. I hope one day they will find a way to invent something – when you turn the virtual page a pleasant scent of paper and ink to waft in the air.
Best of luck with finding new fans!
Thanks Carmen for the compliment, Carmen. I’m reading mostly ebooks these days and saving lots of space around the house. That book smell would be nice!
Carmen, I never thought I would want to read eBooks. But since I got my Kindle, that’s about all I do read. There is something to be said, however, about holding a print book in one’s hands.
My daughter still swears by print!
Hi, PH! 😀 I finally caught with you! 😉 I think you’re wise to hold off on a print edition until all the books in the series are ready – it’s something I may ‘borrow’ from you as my WIP is going to make at least 1 trilogy:-D Best of luck with it – I still love print the best. 🙂
Thanks for hosting Joan! 🙂
Jan – I confess I’d never thought about waiting for the series to release a print book. I’ve sold more eBooks than print, but there are some of my friends that want print. I purchase more eBooks these days for the sake of convenience (and I can have so many more without running out of space!)
Don’t get me wrong, I do have requests for print and I’m starting to get them for audio. I just feel that digital is what I can do best at the moment.
Joan, I’ve got several things in the works because I’ve held off. I hope to have good news on that end very soon if all goes well.
I meant Jan there…