September. The month that ushers in autumn—my favorite season of the year. Here in Texas, we’ll have to wait a few more weeks for fall-like weather, but there are already some changes. While most trees are still laden with green leaves, a few are beginning to show some color. If weather forecasters are correct, cooler temps are on the way for next week. The days have grown shorter and kids have started back to school. Labor Day, the time that marks the end of many summer activities is behind us.

The fall football season has already started. My husband and I sat up late on Sunday watching the game against the University of Texas Longhorns and Notre Dame. It was touch and go for a while, but ended in an overtime victory for the ‘Horns. A great way to welcome the newest mascot, Bevo XV. (Sorry, Notre Dame fans, but I bleed burnt orange.)

September is not only a month for changing seasons, but for a few changes with writing. This is the month in which I wanted to publish Unseen Motives. However, I’m working on the second edit, which is taking longer than I anticipated. It’s looking more like October for the publication date. I could rush it through, but it would be sub-standard work and that’s not what I want.

Through the writing and editing process, I’ve discovered that I need to make some changes in order to be able to write full-length novels. Even the process of writing a short story takes time. It’s always been hard for me to say “no,” but since I still work full-time in addition to writing, I had to make some decisions

I fought it for months, but I will no longer be writing my monthly Friday Fiction posts. For the time being, I’ve left most of the Friday Fiction archives up, so readers can click on the Friday Fiction link to see past posts. I plan to finish this year’s series about Allison and Jonah in the coming months and will send it via email to subscribers only.

Speaking of Friday Fiction, you may have read last summer’s series about friends Lauren and Hannah and their adventure in a place called the Sleepy Hollow Inn. I’ve written a new short story using those characters for inclusion in a Halloween anthology. You’ll be hearing more about that in the coming weeks. I’ve pulled the original Sleepy Hollow story down to make some revisions. It will become my free opt-in for new subscribers in place of The Stranger. I’m also brainstorming a longer story (likely a novella or short novel in the cozy mystery genre) for Lauren and Hannah.

What about The Stranger? Don’t worry, he’s not going away. However, I will be making a few tweaks and edits and a cover redesign in order to upload to Amazon and other retailers. Finally, while writing Unseen Motives, ideas for two more books came to mind. I plan to start the first draft of the second book in early 2017.

And through it all, I want to enjoy my favorite season. I look forward to the first pot of chili, spice-scented candles, and the sight of Canadian Geese as they migrate south. I’d like to know some of the things you enjoy about fall. Please share in the comments.

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12 Responses

  1. I love fall too, especially the month of October when pumpkins and harvest colors seem to be at their peak. I look forward to writing in my den with the fireplace on and some soothing music in the background.

    It sounds like you have lots of plans for your writing. I work full-time too and can relate to how hard it is to squeeze in those precious hours at the keyboard. Looking forward to all your stuff, especially the Sleepy Hollow short in the anthology. Sounds like fun!

    • I always think things will take less time, but in the end it’s worth waiting. Writing beside the fireplace sounds great. I love those cozy fall evenings.

      I had writing the short story with Sleepy Hollow characters and look forward to your story and others in the anthology.

  2. Ah, the best laid plans, and all that. I think you’re moving in the right direction. In all counts. And I can’t wait to read the novel and see what else you have in the works. Good luck, Joan. 🙂

    PS-This will come as no surprise, given we seem to share a brain, but autumn is my favorite, too. The colors, the weather, the sports (love football, and hockey is coming, too!). But I found a difference… I was rooting for Notre Dame. 🙁

  3. Good on you Joan making the right choices so that your dreams become real. I have had to stop reading so many blog posts and hanging on social media it sucks up all the creative time. So forgive me if I do not get to all your posts. Autumn is one of my favourites and we are now in spring….waiting for the warm weather to kick in. Good luck on the writing journey I have packed away all my novels, just don’t have the time to do both and the passion for writing children’s books is stronger.

    • Some decisions are tough, but necessary. Like you, I’ve had to back off from reading so many blogs, so don’t feel bad. I do see your illustrations on Facebook and I always enjoy them. If writing children’s books is your passion, go for it!

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