Hey, everyone. I always try to make Thursday Thoughts upbeat and inspiring. However, my original intent was to share something that stood out in my mind – good or bad. To be honest, I found it challenging to find a “happy” topic this week, so please forgive this rather bleak post.

For the second time in less than a month flags are flying half-staff across the state of Texas for victims of mass shootings. The second occurred in Midland-Odessa on August 31. Seven people lost their lives ranging in age from fifteen to fifty-seven.

Among the victims was a teenage girl who had accompanied her older brother to a car dealership. He had just purchased a new vehicle after saving his money. A mail carrier and an army veteran were also killed.

Seventeen others were hospitalized with injuries, including a seventeen-month-old toddler who is expected to make a full recovery.

Four weeks earlier, on August 3, twenty-two people died in El Paso, and twenty-four others were injured.

This week in the Atlantic, Hurricane Dorian devastated parts of the Bahamas and still threatens the east coast of the United States. Not to mention we’re coming up on the eighteenth anniversary of the 9.11 attacks, which is always a solemn occasion for me.

It’s hard to see anything good in all this. However, some stories show there is still a lot of human kindness and generosity.

While the storm still raged in the Bahamas, organizations were already collecting food and supplies for those whose homes were destroyed. Workers lined up in preparation to help restore electricity to parts of Florida if the need arose.

In El Paso, a victim’s husband didn’t have close family living nearby. When people learned there wouldn’t be many at his wife’s funeral, strangers decided to attend and support this man in his time of grief. So many the service had to be moved to a larger place.

Will that lessen his pain? No, but I’m sure it helps him to know that others care.

In the days following September 11, 2001, people stood together. They put aside their political and religious differences for a common cause. America had been attacked, but we would stand firm. We were wounded but not broken. We would rise above that cowardly act of terrorism, just as El Paso, Midland, and Odessa will.

The last thing I want to do is make this a ground for political debate. There are plenty of other places around the internet for that. If you don’t believe me, check your Facebook news feed (which I thankfully have political posts filtered out).

But I can’t help but wonder why it takes tragic events such as these for us to unite.

(No video this week.)

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22 Responses

  1. It is the same everywhere in the world, Joan. People unite in the face of tragedy. South Africa has been experiencing a time of intense rioting and xenophobia against people from other African countries for the past week. It is awful to watch the videos of it.

  2. This was indeed a sobering post, Joan. Despite all the ugliness in the world, I am heartened there is still goodness and love, and so very many people willing to help those in need.

  3. I just read about the funeral of a victim and all the people showing up. With all the senseless tragedy, like you said, there are still good people in the world.

  4. I love your take on this. It seems odd that people who wouldn’t hold a door for one another can come together at times like this. Why don’t we seem to care every day and not just during tragedy or disaster?

  5. There are so many good people who reach out to help when they are needed. That part makes me very happy, I just wish we didn’t need those situations to see this.

  6. Joan, I see no need for your apology for sharing your true feelings today. I have the same opinions and feelings as you, and although the topics you share are downers, they represent other human lives and feelings. I liked what someone said in a comment above that if we can hold the door for each other, why is it we can’t come together on regular basis. To that I say a hearty amen!

    • Thanks, Sherrey. This was foremost in my mind this week, so I decided to share. And I agree with the statement. There are still a lot of good people in the world.

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