Hi, everyone. The week is moving right along and I’m happy to say our weather has been much calmer than it was a few days ago. If you read my Monday post, you know that severe weather moved through our area on Saturday. After the National Weather Service completed their initial investigation, they confirmed a total of nine tornadoes in our area with strengths ranging from an EF0 to an EF4 (including another one near my home). I think I’ll leave town next year on April 29.

Anyhow, it’s Wednesday and that means it’s time for another article at Story Empire. Today Harmony Kent writes about digital book signings. So hop on over to read what Harmony has to say.

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4 Responses

  1. Joan, I didn’t realize you were getting blasted with all of that nasty weather. An EF0 touched down about 12 miles down the road from where I work several years back and the devastation was awful. I can’t imagine being in an area that saw well above that, including an EF4. It sounds like you and yours are safe and well, for which I’m grateful, but the experience with all of those tornado must have been frightening. Glad to hear the weather is calmer now. Whew!

    • Yes, it was a terrible day for storm. One year ago to the date, my town was hit by two EF2 tornadoes. Two years ago (in May) a nearby town had an EF3 – two people died and a school was demolished. Thank goodness it didn’t happen during the day or a lot of other lives could have been lost. We’re starting to think of ourselves as the new tornado alley.

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