Hey everyone! Welcome back to the second of my monthly moon phases series. As I said last time, February is the shortest month of the year, but moon-wise it has a unique distinction apart from all others. But first, let’s learn a bit more about the reasons behind the name.

Native Americans commonly called the February full moon the Snow Moon. It’s aptly named for those nights where snow blankets the ground. Some refer to it as the Hunger Moon because of the long, cold winters where food often became sparse.

Interesting Facts

  • Although no one has proven the full moon directly affects our mental state, many believe it does. A survey conducted at a Quebec University found that 80% of nurses and 63% of doctors questioned said they saw an increase in the number of patients with mental health problems during a full moon than in other times of the month.
  • The full moon cycle occurs every 29.5 days. Therefore, February is the only month in which there can be no full moon. This happens roughly every nineteen years. The last time was in 2018 and it won’t happen again until 2037.
  • This month, the full moon occurs on February 27.
February Snow Moon
The “Snow Moon.” Photo was taken February 11, 2017

Leap years and time zones affect this unusual occurrence. Some say it’s roughly around 550 years in which there is no full moon in February anywhere on the earth, and the last time this happened was in 1961. I have no inclination to check the lunar cycles of every time zone on earth, so I can’t substantiate this claim.

Now, before you say there’s a full moon every month, consider this. The moon is technically 100% full for only a few seconds. Although we can’t see it, the rest of the time it is either waxing or waning

There are various definitions of the term “Black Moon.” Some state it’s when two new moons occur during a calendar month. Others claim it is when a fourth new moon happens during a particular season. Still others refer to this rare February event as a Black Moon.


Some astrologists believe the black moon draws out our darkest feelings, hidden skeletons, and things we’d rather keep hidden. They believe this is a time for drama and for all negative emotions such as envy, hatred, and revenge will surface.

That wraps up this month’s moon post. Were you aware of the February phenomena? What’s your take on the superstition?

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47 Responses

  1. Fascinating, Joan. I didn’t know about the February full moon and I haven’t heard of the Dark Moon. Great legend to go with it. I’m enjoying learning moon facts:)

  2. February is an unusual month, (spelt oddly too!) It feels almost like an afterthought, something tacked on to round out the numbers… and what you describe, Joan makes it all the weirder!

  3. Interesting stuff. I think the phenomenon of ‘moon madness’ is one of those instances where science simply isn’t able to corroborate what people have ‘known’ for centuries: such belief makes a thing true, in folklore. “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio……” Cheers, Jon.

  4. Fascinating, Joan. I hadn’t known of the February phenonemon. (And I’m with the above comment about the weird spelling! lols)

    As an ex psychiatric nurse, I can vouch first-hand for the increased disturbances around every full moon night. We always expected a loooong nightshift.

    Great post 🙂

    • Harmony, I’m laughing at myself. I had to check to see if that was a real word. I don’t know why I chose to use phenomena instead of phenomenon. 😀

      I’ve personally known psych nurses and staff to say the same as you. The disturbances increase.

  5. Great post, Joan. I learned so much. As a former college administrator, I can attest that discipline problems peaked during full moons. Of course, the moon could have just been another excuse. 😊

  6. I think full moon behavior is from the light keeping people awake in the middle of the night, seriously. I know I’m grumpy when I don’t get enough sleep. That’s why I close the blinds all the way at night during full moons (and still, a little light seeps in, darn it!).

  7. Every cop and doctor I know swear full moons make people behave irrationally. (I’m paraphrasing.)

    I love the lore on the black moon. That would be fun to write around. My writer-mind is churning.

    Great post, Joan.

  8. Loved this post, Joan! I truly believe a full moon has an effect on our mental outlook. I don’t know that it always inspires a negative reaction in people, but I think it makes us hyper-aware and opens us to creativity.
    Thanks for a fascinating and informative post today!

  9. I love these moon posts, Joan. When I was a kid, I got a telescope and was very intent on watching the moon. I’m sitting here with no power and 18 degrees, so the idea of a snow moon seems fitting.😁

  10. I am learning a lot about the moon from your posts, Joan. I was very interested to learn when we went away recently to the site of a famous battle between the British and the Zulu’s that the battle was fought during an eclipse of the sun and it was twilight. This is where Rider Haggard got the idea for an eclipse of the moon he used in King Solomon’s mines.

    • I didn’t know that Robbie. Very interesting. I’ve seen more lunar eclipses than solar ones. There is an eclipse in a couple of years that is supposed to be prominent in our area. Hopefully, it won’t be cloudy that day.

  11. I love these moon posts, Joan. I’m just now seeing this one, but the statistics about February full moons make sense. I totally 100% believe the moon affects our moods and the full moon can bring out the best or worst in us. Of course, the alignment of the other planets plays a role too, but if the moon can control the ocean tides, who are we to think it cannot affect us? Great post!

    • I had not thought about the moon controlling the tides (even though I knew it did). Makes perfect sense the phases can affect us as well.

      Glad you’re enjoying this series, Jan.

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