Sometimes the inspiration for stories come in the oddest ways. I often use real-life events in my booksโ€”either personal experiences or things Iโ€™ve read. I change the situation enough so as not to be recognizable.

Itโ€™s been a long time in coming (much longer than I expected), but the first draft of Unclear Purposes, the third and final book of my Driscoll Lake Series is almost complete. Most of the book has already been through at least two edits, and I’ll soon send the last few chapters to my critique partners for their feedback.

It seems like eons ago that I began writing Unseen Motives. As some of you know, I planned it as a stand-alone novel. (Honestly, I wasnโ€™t sure I had a second book in me, let alone three.) But one of my characters insisted I change my plans for him. Then he had the audacity to demand I write his story. (Iโ€™m glad he did!)

Thus, Unknown Reasonsย came about. In my opinion, you canโ€™t have a series unless itโ€™s at least three books, so I came up with a vague idea and the main characters for Unclear Purposes. I even went so far as to write one scene before I published the first book.

But when writing book two, I ran into a problem. The idea I had for the final book somehow weaved its way into Unknown Reasons. It would have been monotonous and redundant to have a similar situation in this one. So, I had to come up with a plan.

A former co-worker gave me an idea for the antagonist, but I still had to devise the plot. Why would the antagonist target the protagonist? How is the male lead involved and what role will he play? What minor supporting characters would I need? Lastly, but probably the hardest question: How do I begin?

I wrote an opening scene and sent it to my critique partners. It was an okay beginning, but I didnโ€™t like the direction it would take me. Then one day I was listening to music. I often do that for inspiration. The Eaglesโ€™ song โ€œLyinโ€™ Eyesโ€ began to play.

You may be familiar with the wordsโ€”a younger woman marries a wealthy older man, but sheโ€™s unhappy and has an affair with a man closer to her age. She tries to hide the relationship, but the husband can see it in her โ€œLyinโ€™ Eyes.โ€

Voilร ! I had my opening scene and a way to weave it into the story. Over the next few weeks, Iโ€™ll share more about how music played a role in the writing of the Driscoll Lake series. Also, look for the cover reveal coming soon!

And if you’re interested in hearing the Eaglesโ€™ tune, click here.

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20 Responses

    • I love The Eagles’ music and several of their songs have weaved their way (either by name or inspiration) into two of the three books of this series. I’m so glad to be near the end of this book, but it will be bittersweet to bid the series goodbye.

  1. Joan, I positively LOVED this post! It is so fun learning about what goes on in the background of a series and learning how it came to be. And Lyin’ Eyes is my favorite Eagles song. Good choice to spin your plot web from.
    Looking forward to your cover reveal!

  2. I remember that song. It’s funny where inspiration or ideas can come from. I was stuck on something from my current WIP, but saw an old show I used to watch back in the 90s, and everything fell into place. I’ll take it where I can get it!

  3. The Eagles are positively my very favorite group of all time, largely because their clever lyrics. I love knowing Lyin’ Eyes was your inspiration for your upcoming book, and I’m looking forward to reading all three. (I’m always happy when I can start a series at Book 1 and read straight through.) Fun post, Joan. And don’t forget you can share excerpts from any or all of these books on #ShareAReviewDay Tuesdays on my blog. Would love to have you. ๐Ÿ™‚ <3

    • Thank you, Marcia. I’m going to be running specials on Books one and two next month in preparation for the release of book three. And thanks for the review offer. I finally had time to look at the guidelines. I’ll be in contact with you soon!

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