Hey, everyone. Welcome to the third in a series of monthly posts about folklore and facts about the full moons. If you missed the first two, you can read about the Wolf Moon (January) and the Snow Moon (February) by clicking on the links.

And now for the month of March.

The Worm Moon is so called because spring arrives this month. The earth begins to warm and earthworm casts begin to appear. It is also sometimes referred to as the Sap Moon because of the rising sap of maple trees.

I don’t know about you, but I’m more than ready for spring, especially after our “Snowmageddon” last month. While I haven’t seen any earthworms yet, Spring Peepers are already out and about.

March Worm Moon
A March Moon between tree branches

March is considered a time of kindness, renewal, and rebirth, as nature comes back to life after the stormy and cold winter. Earth is starting to regenerate, so it’s time for people to do the same.

Interesting Facts

  • The RAF (Royal Air Force) used the light emitted by the full March moon to launch their attack on the German city of Lubeck during World War II.
  • Early American settlers called this month’s moon the Lenten Moon and considered it the last full moon of winter.
  • Many gardeners plant according to the moon phases. Some believe above-ground crops should be planted during the waxing phase. Bulbs and vegetables that bear crops below the ground are best planted during the waning phase.
  • The spring (or vernal) equinox arrives on March 20.
  • The full moon is on Sunday, March 28, making it the first full moon of spring.


It is considered unlucky for the full moon to occur on a Sunday, but lucky when it happens on “Moon Day” (Monday).

Have you ever planted according to the moon phases or astrology signs? Do you think there’s merit to this? Please share in the comments.

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36 Responses

  1. Our earthworm were making an appearance but winter took hold again. I have never planted to the moon cycles or astrology signs. It’s depends more on my mood and time, which might be affected by both of them:) Good post, Joan

    • Our weather has been much warmer, but we haven’t had the Easter “cold snap” yet. Always happens. I have seen some trees starting to bud and a few blooms but after last month, things are going to be delayed. 🙁

  2. Interesting about the worm moon. I have seen some earthworms out and about here in Virginia. Mollusks, too. Maybe if I did garden in accordance to moon phases our plants wouldn’t be so sad.:-)

    • I can’t attest to it personally, but as I told others my dad planted by the signs of the moon. His gardens were almost always successful so maybe there is truth to it.

  3. When I was younger (way long time ago), I had a ten-acre farmette. I did all the planting by the moon. Not sure what would have happened had I not, but I didn’t want to risk it. I’m enjoying your moon series, Joan

  4. I’m a terrible gardener, so no plantings for me, but I am thoroughly enjoying your “moon series,” Joan. I love all the interesting facts and superstitions!

    • I don’t garden either. My dad and my brother were big on gardening and they planted by the moon signs. I’m enjoying my research on these moon supersitions.

  5. I never plant according to lunar phases. But you know my obsession with all-things space-related, particularly the moon. Loving this series.

    I had to look up spring peepers. What a cute name.

    • I have a confession. I always called them frogs (which they are, of course) and never heard the expression spring peeper until I was grown. But now I always call them by that name.

      Yes, you and I share an obsession with space-related things. Imagine that! 😉

  6. My snow drops are up, but we’re supposed to get horrible weather today, then it’s supposed to be gone tomorrow. I’m so ready for spring and playing in my flower beds. I’ve never used the moon phases to plant but followed my grandma’s “never plant annuals until Mother’s Day,” and that’s served me well here. When all the garden stores tempt me with flats of flowers, I’ve given in a few times and planted them early, then a hard frost shows up. Ugh!

    • I saw several trees in bloom on my drive home today. I’m afraid some of our flowers were hurt by last month’s winter storm, but clover is starting to bloom along the roadways. I say bring on spring! Sounds like your grandmother gave good advice.

  7. Twice during my years on earth, I have had a large garden and in both instances, we planted and harvested by the moon. In truth, it may not have made a difference, but I think it did and believing is as strong as any theory. I look forward to Spring! It’s time for renewal and rebirth! Thanks for sharing another fabulous moon post, Joan!

    • My dad always planted his garden by the signs of the moon. He also maintained that Good Friday was a day in which you could plant anything. Don’t know about his theories, but he always had abundant crops.

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