Hey, everyone. I am so excited to kick off Story Empire’s Something Wicked Tour. The six Story Empire authors are visiting one another this week to talk about our books. For a complete list of today’s stops, click here.
Today I have the pleasure of hosting the lovely and talented Mae Clair. She’s here to talk about the legend of the Mothman and her book A Thousand Yesteryears. So, without further ado, here’s Mae.
Red Eyes and Winged Beasts
Hi, Joan’s readers! It’s fun to be here today kicking off my first stop of Story Empire’s Something Wicked Blog Tour.
October is a fun time that brings plenty of shivers as we draw closer to Halloween, our mind naturally drawn to things that go bump in the night. Sometimes, however, those things are seen rather than heard.
As an example, I offer one of the first original sightings of the Mothman.
On the night of November 16, 1966, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wamsley, along with Mrs. Marcella Bennett and her baby daughter Teena were on their way to visit Ralph and Virginia Thomas. The Thomas family lived near the TNT, an abandoned WWII munitions site located outside of Point Pleasant, West Virginia. It was on TNT grounds that Roger Scarberry, his wife and friends were chased by a giant winged creature the night before.
When the Wamsley’s and Marcella Bennett arrived at the Thomas home, they discovered Ralph and Virginia were out for the evening. They stayed a short time, chatting with the Thomas’ three children, Rickie, Connie and Vicki, then headed back to their car.
Before they could reach the vehicle, a figure slowly rose from behind it. Marcella Bennett described the thing as being big and gray, larger than a man, “with terrible glowing red eyes.” She was so terrified by the creature she dropped her daughter and froze, hypnotized by what appeared to be a winged, headless being. Raymond Wamsley scooped up the little girl (who was not hurt), snared Marcella and, along with his wife, raced back into the house. They quickly secured and bolted the door.
Within seconds, they heard a noise on the porch. Two red eyes appeared in the window, staring through the glass. The women and children broke into a panic, and Wamsley frantically called the police. By the time the authorities arrived, the creature was gone. It would not, however, be the last time it was seen. Between 1966 and 1967, there were over 100 Mothman sightings.
While writing A Thousand Yesteryears, I had the Wamsley/Beneet sighting in the back of my mind when spinning a plot thread that involves one of my main characters. A house by the TNT, red eyes staring through the windows…they both play into a tragic occurrence that affects the life of Caden Flynn.
To meet Caden, and the other characters who populate my Point Pleasant, I hope you’ll give A Thousand Yesteryears a try. The novel is the first in my Point Pleasant Series but it can be read and enjoyed as a standalone. The book—which New York times Bestselling Author, Kevin O’Brien called “Masterful, bone-chilling fiction…one intense thriller”—is a blend of fact and fiction based on historical events.
Behind a legend lies the truth…
As a child, Eve Parrish lost her father and her best friend, Maggie Flynn, in a tragic bridge collapse. Fifteen years later, she returns to Point Pleasant to settle her deceased aunt’s estate. Though much has changed about the once thriving river community, the ghost of tragedy still weighs heavily on the town, as do rumors and sightings of the Mothman, a local legend. When Eve uncovers startling information about her aunt’s death, that legend is in danger of becoming all too real…
Caden Flynn is one of the few lucky survivors of the bridge collapse, but blames himself for coercing his younger sister out that night. He’s carried that guilt for fifteen years, unaware of darker currents haunting the town. It isn’t long before Eve’s arrival unravels an old secret—one that places her and Caden in the crosshairs of a deadly killer…
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48 Responses
What a freaky fun premise! I haven’t read this particular book from Mae, but I have enjoyed others. She’s a talented storyteller!
This is a great book, Priscilla. I enjoyed all the ones in her Point Pleasant Series.
Thank you so much, Priscilla. I really appreciate that compliment!!
I loved writing the Point Pleasant series and made two trips to the actual locations I used in the book–including the TNT. Which is freaky even in the daylight, LOL.
Mae has a way of really brining the spook to her readers. Great post to kick-off the Story Empire Something Wicked Tour week 🙂
She certainly does, Harmony. Thanks for stopping by and have fun with the tour this week.
That is wonderful to hear, Harmony. Thank you for such kind words about my stories. It’s fun being here to kick off the tour. I hope we all have a fab week!
Really enjoyed this series, and reading about one of the first sightings of Mothman! Great post! 🙂 <3
I'm so far behind after the events of the last two weeks, I'm sharing each of these tour posts before stopping to comment–except this one, because Mae is my PenderPal, and I had to wave at her! *me, waving Mae, with an extra wave for Joan* Good one, ladies! 🙂 <3
Woohoo! So glad to have you back online. And I’m honored you’re pausing to comment, my Pender Pal 🙂 Thanks for sharing and following the tour. I think I owe you an email. I have to remember to check that other account, LOL.
So glad you enjoyed the series!
Thanks, Marcia. You have had a rough time if late. Good to see you out and about. Waving back! 😊
Doing my best, Joan! And getting better each day! 🙂
That’s wonderful news!
Pick up the Point Pleasant series. I’ve read it and can vouch for it completely. I always love that historical evidence that backs a story up.
It’s a great series. Hard to decide which book I like best.
Aww, thanks so much, Joan. And thanks for having me on your blog today. What a great place to kick off our Something Wicked tour!
Thanks so much, Craig.
I always enjoy reading (and writing) books that play off historical facts. I had a great time with this one.Glad you enjoyed the series!
Ooops. Looks like I replied with a new comment, Craig. Doh! It’s below!
I did the same thing on Staci’s blog. LOL.
I love when fact can be woven into fiction. Good one.
Thanks, Michele. The story of the Mothman has fascinated me from the moment I stumbled across it.
I have read a book or two on the subject and seen a few movies as well. It is a fascinating story.
I like that too, Michele. Mae did a great job with the series!
I devoured this series. Three books, three days of reading. I couldn’t consume the content fast enough. I adored Caden. Masterfully done, Mae. You know I love cryptids and mysteries. Your blending of fact, fiction, and the foggy area between is brilliant.
Thanks for hosting, Joan.
Caden was also a favorite of mine. This was a great series.
Such a lovely testimonial. You make me blush 🙂
Thanks so much for those kind words, and you know I’m thrilled you loved the series. This one has always been special to me, probably because of all the research that went into it. But I also became so attached to the characters, especially Caden. Comments like this make writing worthwhile!
I’ve read the last two books in the series, which were fantastic, but have no idea how I read them out of order. I have this one waiting on my Kindle. I love hearing these true stories – they can really spark some ideas. They sparked a whole series for you, Mae!
All three books are great. This was especially intriguing to me.
The stories and history behind the Mothman legend are riveting, Teri. There were so many I came across while researching the history and folklore.A Thousand Yesteryears is the book that started it all. Would you believe it was a NaNo project? I think I was so enraptured with my research, it was fairly easy to rip through that word count 🙂
When you get a chance to read it, I hope you enjoy the tale. 🙂
Sounds eerie and page-turning, just the type of novel I enjoy 🙂 It was already on my TBR list and I can’t wait to read it. ☺️
Thanks for visiting, Theresa. I think you’ll enjoy the books.
Oh, Yay! That has me doing a Snoopy dance, Tessa. I tend to break into them without warning 🙂
I’m thrilled you like the sound of it, and hope you enjoy the story. I dumped a ton of research into this book, including two trips to the actual locations in the novel, and speaking with some of the locals. It was a wonderful experience.
Wow, Mae! That is a chilling account of a Mothman sighting! I absolutely LOVED your Point Pleasant series! Each book was one I could not put down. It’s great to see you here, and thanks, Joan for hosting Mae! You gals have fun today!
Thanks, Jan. I’d heard if the Mothman before I read this book, so I was particularly interested in the story. Thanks for stopping by today.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the series, Jan. Thanks so much for dropping by to support me during the Something Wicked tour. Joan is such a wonderful host, and testimonials like yours really make writing worthwhile. {{hugs}}
This sounds like an exciting story, Mae. I must read the next Hode’s Hill book first and then look at this series. Thanks for hosting, Joan.
Oh, that’s great to know, Robbie. I appreciate your interest. This series has always been special to me because of the on-location research I did…including visiting the very creepy TNT! Thanks for your wonderful support!
Hodes Hill is a wonderful series. I think you’ll enjoy this one as well.
I would have had a heart attack! Was 1967 the last time the creature was sighted? How strange. I loved A Thousand Yesteryears, but then you can’t go wrong with a Mae Clair book!
That’s true Jacquie. And I also would have had a heart attack.
That’s so kind of you to say, Jacquie. Thank you!! The creature was first sighted in 1966, but the sightings kept up until the bridge fell in December of 1967. After that–poof!–no more Mothman sightings (queue Twilight Zone theme) 🙂
Excellent background, Mae. Loved this entire series. You did a fantastic job with the story, characters and setting, the latter being a specific area with which I’m familiar from childhood memories. Enjoyed this one very much.
Thanks for stopping by, P. H. This is a great series!
It was a great read.
Thanks, P.H. It’s always a huge plus when someone who knows the area compliments the books. I’ve had a number of Point Pleasant residents do the same, and it was such a pleasure. Apparently all that research and the trips I made paid off! 🙂
Very much. I highly recommend the series.
I loved this series. I can’t imagine seeing and processing seeing that winged creature that night.
Me either, Denise. I think I’d want to move far away from there!
Thank you so much, Denise!
And I agree about the creature. I would have freaked out completely!