The day has finally arrived! The third and final book of my Driscoll Lake Series is now available in eBook format with the paperback version soon to come.

I’m happy to see this day arrive, yet sad in a way as it’s time to leave these characters behind. They have become a part of my life for almost five years. But who’s to say if some of them might turn up somewhere else?

A few weeks ago, I shared where the Eagles’ song “Lyin’ Eyes” inspired the opening scene for this novel. Today, I’ll share some brief excerpts from the opening chapter.

Alyssa Weber stood in the large walk-in closet, eyeing the long row of garments. She reached for a black cocktail dress. Elegantly designed, it had a beaded neckline, tiered jacket and skirt, and above-the-knee hem. A pair of silver pumps and drop earrings were the only accessories needed.

If only.

She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had an occasion to wear such a dress. But to wear black chiffon tonight would arouse suspicion. Travis had never indicated he doubted her, but she needed to be careful. As far as he was concerned, she was visiting her best friend, Sheri. She replaced the dress, then grabbed a pair of designer jeans and a red cowl-neck sweater.

It didn’t matter. Jesse found her attractive no matter what she wore.

She drove quickly through town. Once she passed the Marfa Lights Viewing Area, she phoned Sheri and told her of the conversation. “I’m convinced Travis suspects something. I think he has someone following me. If he calls, tell him I phoned to say I’m running late and will be there soon.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll cover for you. In fact, why don’t the two of you meet here tonight? I can make myself scarce—”

“No. Don’t do that. I’ll be careful. Thanks for covering for me.” Alyssa ended the call and glanced in the rearview mirror at a late model, dark colored sedan. Maybe she was becoming paranoid, but she was sure it had been following since she left Marfa.

What’s more, she’d seen the same car a couple of times before, once parked on Jesse’s street, and another time it followed her to Sheri’s. Someone was tailing her. If Travis wasn’t responsible, then who was and why? The police could probably find out quickly enough, but she couldn’t report the incidents. They would ask questions she was unwilling to answer.

But if someone investigated it discretely…

Alyssa reached for her phone and called the once-familiar number, praying he would answer.


“It’s Alyssa. I need your help.”

She felt guilty calling out of the blue, but time was important.

“Why do you suddenly feel the need to call me?”

“Because I think someone is following me.” Then she told him everything that was going on, hoping he would understand.

But revealing her affair only made things worse. He’d always been morally above reproach, but when had he become so self-righteous?

After a few minutes, she’d heard enough.

“You know what, forget it. I’ll deal with this myself.” She ended the call, then slowed to turn off the main highway. The dark sedan continued to follow.

It was after midnight when she left his house. The lonely stretch of road between Alpine and Marfa seemed even more deserted than usual. She hadn’t passed another car for at least five miles.

Alyssa hated this part of the drive. The road curved through the mountains, and there weren’t many signs of habitation outside of Alpine.

Her engine began to sputter. She frowned as she pulled to the side of the road. What could be wrong? The SUV was less than a year old. Travis was careful to have it serviced regularly.

She pressed the button for her cell. Phone service was often sporadic in this area. As luck would have it, she didn’t have a signal. Sighing, she considered her options. Wait and hope someone would come along or get out of the car and walk back to town. Maybe if she went a short distance, she could pick up a cell phone signal.

Before she could decide, the lights of a car appeared around a curve. The dark sedan slowed and pulled behind her. Was this the car that followed her earlier? Uncertain of who it might be, Alyssa remained inside.

Her pulse quickened as she watched through the rearview mirror. The driver got out of the car and began walking toward her Lexus.

Sighing with relief at the familiar figure, she smiled and opened the door. “I’m glad to see you. Something is wrong with my SUV, and I can’t get a cell phone signal.”

“Car trouble? That’s the least of your worries.”


Some people take secrets to the grave…

Three years after her husband’s murder, Christine Lawrence still struggles for balance. She has a rewarding career and a close circle of friends but feels oddly unfulfilled. Worse, the close relationship she once had with her teenage daughter has grown increasingly strained.

Former FBI agent, Vince Green, is battling demons of his own—painful secrets that drove him from Driscoll Lake. Newly resettled in the small town, he makes his living as a private investigator.

When Vince and Christine cross paths, stumbling over the body of a murder victim, he’s forced to confront memories he thought long buried. The circumstances surrounding the killing are eerily similar to a victim from his past.

As the body count continues to rise, Christine finds herself drawn to Vince. With a murderer stalking the streets of Driscoll Lake, neither is aware the killer has targeted her as the next victim—or that Vince’s past is key to unmasking a disturbed and deadly killer.

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19 Responses

  1. Congratulations, Joan! I can understand your mixed feelings on this one. I love the excerpts and can’t wait to get around to reading this one. It’s on my TBR, and I’ve just bought a copy now. Best of luck 🙂

  2. Ending a series is always bittersweet. I’ve ended two now, and I have plans for spinoffs of both (if I ever find the time) because I don’t want to let the worlds go. Just remember, these characters and places are yours. You can visit them anytime. So don’t be even the slightest bit sad today. Rejoice and celebrate! You did an amazing thing, and now the rest of the world gets to be let into a world you created.

    Super-excited for you. Congratulations and best wishes!

  3. Congratulations, Joan!

    I always feel sad as well as excited when I finish writing a series. Sad, because I will miss my characters. Excited, because it gives me the chance to branch into something new. You’ve created wonderful characters with this series, and I look forward to reading the closing chapter!

    • I feel the same way, Mae. Mixed emotions. These characters have been a part of my life for a few years now. But I have a sneaky feeling we’ll be seeing a couple of them again! Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Yay, Joan! Congratulations on completing another one, and I hope it sells like crazy! The excerpt is intriguing, and I can’t wait to read the series. I already have the first book on my Kindle, and I’m going to grab the others, AND give you your own folder! That’s when you know you’ve hooked me. 😀 Good luck on getting this one off the ground, and don’t forget you can join us on The Write Stuff for #ShareAReviewDay Tuesdays ANY time, with a review from any of the books. We’d love to have you! 🙂 <3

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