Sometimes I’m beginning to think doing NaNoWriMo caused some of my brain cells to disappear. For some reason, I can’t seem to get it together. I scrambled at the last minute to get the Friday writing links done for January 10 and 17. Last week, I was determined to get ahead of the game.

I usually begin the Friday post a week earlier and start collecting links. This makes it much more manageable. I insert a place holder for an intro story as well as a photograph. To keep me from accidentally pushing the publish button early, I schedule the post. Works well most of the time. Until last week.

I went to bed on Thursday night, thinking all was well and being quite proud of myself. Friday morning, as I got out of the shower, reality hit me. I forgot to add a story, photo, and the featured image. The post went live just after midnight. I rushed to the computer, but of course, several people had seen the post. I tried to add a photo and a brief explanation. Naturally, Murphy’s law prevailed. My computer was doing some behind the scenes update that made everything crawl speed. I managed to get the featured image uploaded but that was it.

So, I’m writing this first part on Saturday morning. Six days in advance, and I already have my story and image. (Let’s hope I do the links correctly.)

This is a photo from my archives. I’ve made several trips to Tucson, Arizona for training on a software program I use at work. Tucson is in the Sonoran Desert, but Mt. Lemmon is nearby. You can climb to an altitude of around 8,000 feet and feel like you’re in the Colorado Rockies. Last time I went, my coworkers and I took a drive up the mountain to watch the sunset.


Beautiful, isn’t it? Now, that’s enough rambling from me. It’s time for this week’s links:

On this site:

On Story Empire:

On other sites:

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47 Responses

  1. Thanks for a giggle and the links, Joan. It’s happened to all of us, I’m sure! You and I are similiar with both brains and technology, lol. Have a great weekend. I love that photo 🙂

  2. These things happen. I don’t know how many times I’ve written a post for Entertaining Stories only to find out I’d written it on the Story Empire site. Then I delete and start all over again. I’ve also posted when I intended to schedule, etc.

  3. I almost had a post go live today that I’d pre-scheduled. Circumstances changed and I didn’t want it to post. Fortunately, I stumbled over it in time last night or it would have been a major goof. I think it happens to all of us.

    That’s a gorgeous photo, Joan. I’ve been to Phoenix and Sedona but never made it to Tucson. I would love to visit.

    • I’ve had similar things happen. Goes to show we all make mistakes. The first time I visited Tucson, my coworker and I went early enough to drive to Tombstone. That was interesting!

  4. Absolutely gorgeous photo, Joan! And as for the blunder on your blog, at least you weren’t at your OWN Book Release Party, celebrating the release of a book you and your cover designer had spent 30 minutes arranging just so on the event display table, only to realize an HOUR later that the cover had a mistake in the middle of it that NEITHER of you noticed! 😯 And there we were, surrounded by witnesses to our our embarrassment and consternation!

    Happily, I have the most wonderful readers in the world and they decided that the misprinted cover would someday be worth a fortune, and bought EVERY book! So, you never know when those unfathomable errors are going to lead you to something great! Like fodder for one more of your wonderful collections of valuable links! Sharing, my friend! And again, the photo–like pretty much ALL your photos–is a stunner! 🙂 <3

    • Marcia, I’m convinced those books will one day be collector’s items! Thanks so much for visiting today. I love to take photographs (even have a Nikon camera, LOL) but this one was taken with an iPhone. There is beauty even in the desert. Glad you find the links useful!

      • I’d love to think so, Joan. I could learn to live with having produced a bunch of collector’s items! 😀 I can tell that you love photography, and you have a gift for it, too. I always look forward to your photos and your great Week in Review links, too!! 🙂 <3

  5. Reblogged this on The Write Stuff and commented:

    Check out Joan Hall’s Week in Review today. It’s full of super links to some articles I can’t wait to read, and graced by one of her superb photos. This one is extra stunning! You’ll be glad you stopped by, and I know you’ll enjoy sharing this post with all your social media friends. Thanks! And thanks, Joan, for such a great selection of useful and interesting links. 🙂 <3

    • Trish, you wouldn’t believe the typos I’ve made when commenting. Of course, I see them after I’ve hit the send button! Thanks for stopping by today!

  6. I’ve done that before, too, Joan! Which reminds me I need to go check mine:) What a pretty sunset! Happy weekend.

    • Well now, I’m in good company! 🙂 I did something a few weeks ago when I hosted Mae. Can’t remember now what it was but I caught my error and quickly corrected it.

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