Hey, everyone. It’s day two of Story Empire’s Something Wicked Tour. Yesterday was so much fun! For a list of today’s stops, click this link.
Today I welcome a dear friend and fellow author Staci Troilo back to my site. Her new Astral Conspiracy Series is written under the pen name D. L. Cross. I’ve read the first two, and I guarantee you’ll love these books.
Let’s hear what Staci, AKA D. L., has to say!
Thanks for welcoming me here today, Joan.

Ciao, amici! We’re on day two of the Story Empire Something Wicked tour. Yesterday, I discussed the significance of the Great Serpent Mound in Ohio. Today, I thought I’d go international and talk about Peru—specifically the Gate of the Gods.
(We’re still using the futuristic tech and ancient history themes. My version of the Ancient Aliens show, I suppose.)
In The Gate, the first of my five-book series, my characters head to Peru because they think they’ll find a weapon to fight the aliens. Do they? Well, I can’t say. (I mean, I obviously can, but I won’t.) But I can tell you about the Gate of the Gods.
This is a nearly-forgotten site in Peru near Lake Titicaca. Carved into the rock is an adult-size T-shape alcove. It’s thought to be an abandoned architectural project.Locals refer to it as “Puerta de Hayu Marca” or “Gate of the Gods” and legends claim people have crossed through the “doorway never to be seen again. People also tell stories of strange sights, such as “tall men accompanied by glowing balls of lights walking through the doorway.”
There is a round indentation carved into the rock, the perfect size for a key (or, say, the Golden Solar Disc) to fit into. Legend says when the key is inserted into the impression, the doorway opens. On the other side? The gods, of course.
Or could it be aliens?
In the novel, I explore the ancient lore about a priest, the disc, and the doorway. It was a lot of fun mixing fact, legend, and fiction to fit an ancient locale into a futuristic novel.
Whatever the true purpose of the site, it has a great significance in my novel, The Gate, book one of my Astral Conspiracy series. If you’re curious about how I used it, I encourage you to read the book.

He lost his job. Lost his girl. Now it’s all he can do not to lose his life.
Landon Thorne is a disgraced archaeologist, a laughing stock in his field because of his unconventional beliefs – he’s an ancient astronaut theorist. No one takes him seriously.
Until an alien armada targets Earth.
Now Landon’s in high demand – by the US government and someone far more sinister.
They race across two continents to the Gate of the Gods, the one place on Earth that might give humans an advantage over the aliens. But no one is prepared for what they’ll find.
And not everyone will make it out alive.
The Gate is the first of five novels in the Astral Conspiracy Series, part of Sterling and Stone’s Invasion Universe.
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43 Responses
Another thing that I’ve wondered about!
Staci really did her research for this series. I’m learning about things I never knew about.
Glad I could clear that up for you!
Legends of people disappearing when they pass through? Nope, I ain’t going near the Gate of the Gods!
I think I’d stay away also!
It is kind of daunting. But without the key, it’s probably safe. 🙂
There are so many unexplained mysteries on this little rock we call home. And, they all fascinate me! I would love to visit this place just to feel the vibe of it and maybe soak up some of its energy. Thank you for sharing this amazing bit of mystery today, Staci! And, thank you, Joan, for hosting!
There are so many unknowns, Jan. Fascinating research.
I’d love to go to places like that, too, Jan. Maybe someday!
Now that’s how you write a promo post. If I hadn’t already read this one, I’d be heading over to Amazon right now. Wonderful post.
It’s a great one!
Me too, Craig 😁
Wow. Thanks, Craig. That means a lot.
I was unfamiliar with this place. The tall men with the glowing balls of light is just freaky!
Excellent post, Staci. My favorite books are those that blend fact, fiction and folklore, and you did an outstanding job of that in The Gate.
Reading this has me eager for the release of the next in the series!
I agree, Mae. I love the blend of fact, fiction, and folklore.
Much appreciated. I’m glad you enjoyed the book.
I’m having all kinds of trouble replying from my phone. If this is a duplicate, I apologize.
Much appreciated, Mae.
The Gate is an excellent read. I can’t wait for the rest of the series.
I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Thanks, Michele.
This is kind of how I had it pictured in the book. I love how you blended fact, fiction, and legend, Staci.
Staci did a wonderful job with that.
Thanks, Teri!
Not sure I’d want to meet gods or aliens:) Some are better than others. The Mayans and Incas both sort of freak me out. Some of their artwork is too brutal for me to appreciate. But I loved reading The Gate!
I agree, Judi. I loved the book but I would stay away from gods and aliens.
They can be brutal. The research was fun (aside from that, of course). Thanks, Judi.
I love the way you used this gate and its legend in The Gate, and I can’t wait for the next book in the series. Great post, Staci 😊
Thanks, Harmony.
I keep seeing scenes from Indiana Jones when I read Staci’s posts and her book, The Gate. This could easily be an action-packed movie!
That’s high praise! Thanks, Jacquie.
Absolutely, Jacquie! And I too thought of Indiana Jones.
Oooh, I do love all this glorious history, Staci. I am looking forward to reading this book.
I’ll vouch for it. I thought it was amazing.
It’s a fantastic read. I’m sure you’ll love it, Robbie 😊
I second (third) what Craig and Harmony said. I’m not big into Science Fiction but this one had me hooked from page one.
It really does sound good.
Thanks, Robbie. And everyone else. 🙂
Another winning post, Staci. I like the various places and aliens theme you have going with this. It’s a fun read and glad you took it on with such a creative style. Best wishes on the series and I hope to finish the book soon.
It was hard for me to put the book down. Staci did a fantastic job!
Thank you!
You’re welcome.
I’ve always loved the word Titicaca. Lol! I’m looking forward to reading this series! 🙂
I like that word, too Yvette. This is a great book. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.