The Sarahan dust arrived in Texas last weekend and resulted in some hazy days. Okay, we have hazy days every summer but this is the first time I’ve heard it attributed to anything from Africa.

Here in the US, we had a holiday – Independence Day. It’s a time for backyard cookouts, boating and swimming, and fireworks. The mid-week break was nice. I figure there are two ways at looking at it. I either had two Mondays or two Fridays. (I prefer the latter.)

And now for this week’s writing links:

From Story Empire

From Other Writing Sites

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15 Responses

  1. Sounds like an awesome week, Joan. We just had regular work days here in the UK, though it continues hot and sunny 🙂 Have a fab weekend!

    • The mid-week break was nice. We’ve also had a little bit of rain and some thunderstorms. The temps aren’t as high but the rain raised the humidity so it feels just as hot. I’m ready for the weekend!

  2. Still trying to figure out how that Saharan dust got all the way to Texas. Here, I can’t believe we’ve gone so long without rain that our lawns are turning to dust.

    • I can’t figure that one either. It’s been dry here but we got a little rain this week which helped. Hoping you get rain soon. We went through a severe drought in 2011 and I would hate to see that happen again.

  3. Dust from Africa?!?! That is so bizarre!
    We had extreme heat here all week and I lived in the pool. It’s finally cooled down, but I want the 90+ days back. I live for those in July 🙂

    • It is bizarre. Guess it’s happened before but first I’ve heard of it. In July, we live for days in the 80s. But I really like summer. I wouldn’t want to live in a place where it’s cold in July and August.

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