Facebook is taunting me this week with memories of past vacations. I took the above photo five years ago on a trip to Big Bend National Park from inside the Chisos Mountain Lodge. We were having breakfast on our last morning there.

That day we drove all the way from Big Bend (near the Mexico border) to Arlington, Texas and took in a Ranger’s baseball game that night. It was a victory for the home team, and if I recall, they were in either first or second place in the AL West. That’s more than I can say for this year’s team.

Ah, memories!

This has been catch-up week after being on vacation. I spent most of Monday at my day job reading through emails. But that’s how it goes when you have time off.

Summer is in full swing here in Texas. Forecasters say this weekend some dust from the Sahara Desert will move in. Can you imagine? All the way across the Atlantic, the Carribean, and the Gulf of Mexico? Go figure.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Now it’s time for this week’s writing links.

From Story Empire:

From Other Writing Sites

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13 Responses

  1. Thanks again for some great links, Joan. I’ve linked to this on my blog: https://wp.me/p43Aux-Ak. Oh, those memories sound great. Yep, it always seems like you need another vacation after all that post-vacation catch up, lols 🙂 We have a heat wave over here in the UK, and I came past the local fire volunteers dealing with a huge hedge fire on my way home last night. Everything is just so dry. Have a great weekend, Joan 🙂

    • Hope you get some relief from the heat (and rain) soon. We went through a severe drought several years ago. It’s dry this year but nothing like that.

      And you’re right. We need vacations from vacations. Fortunately, we have a short work week coming up with the Independence Day holiday.

      Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh, Joan. What a lovely photo. And lovelier memories.

    Sorry about the email-storm Monday. Nothing worse than taking time off to relax only to return to a bigger mess than when you left. Glad you’re finally caught up.

    Great post this week!

    • Email storms are expected. I never have a clean inbox at work (and you probably know I’m a bit OCD about that).

      Big Bend was nice. We actually crossed the Rio Grande into Mexico by rowboat. Quite an experience. Couldn’t believe how different I felt crossing back into Texas. It really was like another world.

  3. Big Bend looks like a beautiful place to stay! That’s amazing dust from the Sahara can travel that far.

    • Big Bend is lovely. It’s desert-like, but the desert has its beauty. Hearing about the Sahara dust blew me away. The latest update is that it’s near Texas.

  4. We have finally moved into the 90s and have a week and a half forcasted for those hot summer days.I’m looking forward to a lot of pool time, reading, and daydreaming up plot lines. Wishing you an awesome weekend!

  5. I try to keep up with my emails while I am away, Joan. I just can’t face coming back to hundred of unread emails. Sounds like a terrific holiday.

    • We had a wonderful time. I kept up with my personal email, but I refuse to answer work emails when I’m away. At least the first day back is never boring! 🙂

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